Sitting there the whole night with naked girls dancing in front of us enjoy our free drinks all night, we where starting to think how could this get any better? it couldnt right? of cause it could. The sexiest girl Chrissie who was working jimmy has his money set on her for a half hour show. After doing some small talk in that half an hour, she asks jimmy about some sex stuff and jamie telling her that me and him have plenty of 3 somes and that we are pro's at it. This made her jsut a little bit excited and says oh really u guys should show me ur skills sometime if use like.
So after 30 min he comes back out and tells me all about wat jsut happened. chrissie comes back over to us on the couches and intorduces her girlfriend. With no beleif this is her real girlfriend we tell them to make out and as quik as a flash there going at it, tongues in mouth, hands through hair, hands on tits, rubbing each others stomachs. Noooow we beleive them and after they jsut went we get told we hve to shwo them somthing. So with jamie's fabulous and perfect lick out technique i begin to work on finger slits as if it were their vagina's.
After them seeing that and hearing that jamie tought me they invite another one of there friends over so she could see wat we were up to. After showing them once more they ask if we want to come over to their house after finishing work. Me and jimmy are in shock and awe definetly not hesitating to say no. As we go to get their numbers so we can call them after work their BOSS comes over and tells them they have some work to do and shouldnt be playing around. With the club about to close and all 3 girls in giving hour long lap dances and me and Jimmy being soooo drunk and tired it was time to go home and meet up with them next time we go. We cant wait to go back to that strip club and finish wat we started haha.

now this is something i want to join in with. that chick in the red is hott... i wouldnt mind a piece of her ass either... mmmm