I wish they would make one about pills and gas
Friday, January 30, 2009
$6,000,000 Home Theatre
Next time u think ur 60 inch tv with surround sound system is ballin just remember about this dudes home theatre system. Check all the specs out here www.kipnis-studios.com/The_Kipnis_Studio_Standard/Equipment.html

3 hot strippers
So it was a friday night me and Jimmy decide to go somewhere else a little but more exciting instead. Somewhere were there is alot of entertainment for us blokes NOOOO not the peepshow but one step ahead in class of that...players.
Sitting there the whole night with naked girls dancing in front of us enjoy our free drinks all night, we where starting to think how could this get any better? it couldnt right? of cause it could. The sexiest girl Chrissie who was working jimmy has his money set on her for a half hour show. After doing some small talk in that half an hour, she asks jimmy about some sex stuff and jamie telling her that me and him have plenty of 3 somes and that we are pro's at it. This made her jsut a little bit excited and says oh really u guys should show me ur skills sometime if use like.
So after 30 min he comes back out and tells me all about wat jsut happened. chrissie comes back over to us on the couches and intorduces her girlfriend. With no beleif this is her real girlfriend we tell them to make out and as quik as a flash there going at it, tongues in mouth, hands through hair, hands on tits, rubbing each others stomachs. Noooow we beleive them and after they jsut went we get told we hve to shwo them somthing. So with jamie's fabulous and perfect lick out technique i begin to work on finger slits as if it were their vagina's.
After them seeing that and hearing that jamie tought me they invite another one of there friends over so she could see wat we were up to. After showing them once more they ask if we want to come over to their house after finishing work. Me and jimmy are in shock and awe definetly not hesitating to say no. As we go to get their numbers so we can call them after work their BOSS comes over and tells them they have some work to do and shouldnt be playing around. With the club about to close and all 3 girls in giving hour long lap dances and me and Jimmy being soooo drunk and tired it was time to go home and meet up with them next time we go. We cant wait to go back to that strip club and finish wat we started haha.
Sitting there the whole night with naked girls dancing in front of us enjoy our free drinks all night, we where starting to think how could this get any better? it couldnt right? of cause it could. The sexiest girl Chrissie who was working jimmy has his money set on her for a half hour show. After doing some small talk in that half an hour, she asks jimmy about some sex stuff and jamie telling her that me and him have plenty of 3 somes and that we are pro's at it. This made her jsut a little bit excited and says oh really u guys should show me ur skills sometime if use like.
So after 30 min he comes back out and tells me all about wat jsut happened. chrissie comes back over to us on the couches and intorduces her girlfriend. With no beleif this is her real girlfriend we tell them to make out and as quik as a flash there going at it, tongues in mouth, hands through hair, hands on tits, rubbing each others stomachs. Noooow we beleive them and after they jsut went we get told we hve to shwo them somthing. So with jamie's fabulous and perfect lick out technique i begin to work on finger slits as if it were their vagina's.
After them seeing that and hearing that jamie tought me they invite another one of there friends over so she could see wat we were up to. After showing them once more they ask if we want to come over to their house after finishing work. Me and jimmy are in shock and awe definetly not hesitating to say no. As we go to get their numbers so we can call them after work their BOSS comes over and tells them they have some work to do and shouldnt be playing around. With the club about to close and all 3 girls in giving hour long lap dances and me and Jimmy being soooo drunk and tired it was time to go home and meet up with them next time we go. We cant wait to go back to that strip club and finish wat we started haha.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Prada phone and watch combo
Lg hooked up with Prada and have made this sweet new phone with slideout keyboard which also contains a 5 megapixel camera. The whole front is touch screen like an i phone but it comes with this sweet slick watch that allows you to read txt messages and see who is calling u. It prices at $1,200 so if ur a real balla get amongst that shit wen it comes out.
2009 wsop
So this year there is going to be 57 gold bracelets to be won and it all starts on the 27th of may at the rio in las vegas. they have kicked out 12 events including all 5 rebuy events that were held last year and in my opinion i think thats a good decision cause lets face it, What's worst than knocking someone out more than once and then seeing them go on and win the whole tourney. they've also added a $40,000 no limit hold'em tournament for the celebration of the 40th year this epic tournament series has been running and this event is defiently going to prove who the best in the world is. Also a $1,000 hold'em tourny, which is the first time it's happened and as the same as last year the November nine will be returning. I cant wait for this enormous 41 day tournament series to begin and i definetly cant wait to see wat kind of tantrums Phil "The poker brat" Hellmuth is goignt to throw although he is my all time favourite player.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jed "The Boss" Griffiths
So Jed Griffiths is over tonight and is willing to do a little interview for u guys, this should be entertaining!!
So lets start off with the normal
Jedediah "The Boss" Griffiths, 21 years young from rothwell, redcliffe
I take it as The Boss is ur nickname? how did that come along
Well its a funny story actually, i cant remember exactly how it came about but i think it was made up by Brendan wen we were on our way to sexpo last year. I just came back from a 3 day trip and nobody wanted to drive the 4x4 into the city overloaded, so i just took charge of the situation just like a real boss would.
So ive been around you for a long time now and ive definetly seen the aggresive side of you, do u have ways to calm urself down at all or do u just let it all realease on some poor cunt?
I try and count down from 10 but i can only get to 8 i usually dont make it past 7 cause by those 3 seconds some wanker has already pissed me off enough for me to snap
I have seen a decent amount of ur fights do u go out looking for a fight or do the fights come to you?
I never look for fights the fights always seem to find me but rarely they go as long as a fight so i guess u call them more sparing for me than a fight.
Haha that is so true. I dont think ive seen another person stand up with u for longer than a couple of ur hits, have u ever been in a fight thats lasted longer than a few punches
I try not to be, im there to get in, get the job done and leave just like any other boss would do. I'm not there for fitness
I would have to say ur greatest fight ive seen u in was at Gilhooley's Strathpine with 2 dudes and probably ur longest, tell us how that all started.
Well i was waiting outside for u and some idiot started blowing smoke into my face, i asked politly if he would stop and he wouldnt, after couple of minutes of him not stopping and him calling me fat and weak i then walked away with you to go home. Looking back i hear come on cunt we will smash you i turn around and heres 2 dudes wanting to fight i see one of them drop there elbow to punch me and as quick as lightning i throw a big elbow right into his jaw and he fell straight away the other dude standing there i throw a heavy right fist straight into his face and he is knocked down aswell, 1st dude trys to get back up and he gets a heavy fist to his head aswell and knocked back down 2nd guy is struggling to get up and receives a big boot in the head i look over and 1st guy is trying to get up once more and once again he gets a big fist into his jaw which knocks him out into the gutter i look over to 2nd guy and he is up and for one last time i throw another right hand which also knocks him out and straight onto the other dude in the gutter, i look down at them and there bothing having spasms. I'd love to fight those dudes again just for some warm ups before i go out haha
Haha i remember that like it was yesterday another time i also remeber like yesterday was in 299 and seeing an emo spin past me 2 and a half times before hitting the ground.
Well yes emo's they are the most gayest looking pieces of shit that are on this earth, one just so called bumped into me and instead of saying sorry he says wats ur problem well wat my problem was was his problem then and i threw one very big punch connecting with him straight into his chin spinning him round 2 and a half times before hitting the ground.
I hear ur count with the ladies is pretty high, do u have a lot of luck with them?
Haha alot of luck u say, its actually the opposite i always seem to get stuck with the physcho ones for some reason.I'm not sure wat it is but the last 4 girls i think have been physcho like fucked up in the head i wish it would end haha
Lets hear a little bit more about these girls or at least 1 of them.okay okay so i guess the worst would be jodie. I tried for a while to get into her pants. She had a bf who works away so this made it a bit easier for me. I actually did like her but as soon as i slammed her i didnt have the same feelings, i think its just the chase that was getting me excited about her, we all kno wat im talking about here haha so after i slammed her i didnt want anything to do with her she sent me at least 100 txt a day seriously, about how she missed me and that and i woudlnt reply to any of them. I once was waiting for u to pick me up and i saw her drive past my house and then 2 minutes later txt me askign if i was home or not now that freaked me out. She has settled down a bit these days though which is good but seriously do i really have that much affect on the ladies? hahaha

Is it true you can build a scaffold around anything, quicker than anyone out there?
I wouldnt say quicker than anyone but i sure can build. Get me a hammer a labourer and some scaffold and ill show u how good i really am.
I heard u scaffolded around the Sydney opera house for 11 days and didnt even stop for smoko is this true?
Thats all rumours that Brendan started. Brendan starts alot of things especially fights with Doddy's fans
Ok i know ur keen to slam down a jack, so this is the last question. How big are ur bicep muscles?
wait up I'll have to get a measuring tape....................................43cm around
Haha no wonder why this guy knocks people out with 1 hit!!
Canberra trip
so its monday morning and i wake up to jamie ringing my phone. I answer and he tells me that im going to canberra on wednesday as he is about to book return fligths for me and th girl is going to pay him back, flights were $200 and she has put $350 back into his bank account. i say yeh alright not one to pass an oppurtinity on travel or girls but i didnt kno the extent of the situation i was about to get into.
He explains to me on tuesday while im at his house that he has been talking to this girl on msn for a while now but has sent her my pictures and i have to go down using all his information. Wednesday morning first flight out of brisbane and im on my way down to canberra to meet this girl named cherie who i've never seen talked to or met before in my life who also has a boyfiend of 3 years her mum use to own a multi million $ company until she passed away last year now she owns her fair share of it "perfect girl for a scam"
I arrive in Canberra and doing wat jamie says i give her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. In the car it was weird with her calling me jamie and not my real name. On our way to breakfast at the pancake parlour she asks me multiple questions about me"jamie" and jamie's girlfriend, changing the subject multiple times trying to avoid answering questions about jamie and stephs love life. now this is the funny part she asks me if she sounds the same as she does on the phone i reply to her with a answer of 'hmmm you sound a little bit different' and then she says to me that i sound exactly the same as on the phone.
Now i kno this girl is really dumb and stupid and im going to use this situation to my full advantage. Breakfast was ok with her paying for everything and as were walking past shops i try and scam her into buying me a shirt and a new hat but it doesnt work. at home jamie has already told her the day before that he would like a bottle of redrum and a 6 pack of gold for wen he "me" is down there. she has gone to a dentist appointment and i told her she better bring me back some lunch cause im starving and im not cooking anything myself.
When she arives back she has lunch and cooks up a decent meal for me to eat. After eating i'm pretty tired and i didnt want her to be in my sights anymore cause her fat ass was making me sick the more i look at it. after sleeping until 5 oclock in the arvo she wakes me up and says i have a present for you. I open it up and its $200 worth of cologne and shower wash and dinner is already cooked and waiting. jut before dinner she trys to kiss me with me pulling away and her nearly in tears as she thinks i really really like her.
After dinner she spills her heart out to me about her bf and how she wants to be with me "jamie" not him. desert is served and the alcohol is getting slammed. at 10 oclock trying to make full advantage of this situation once more and her bf out for the whole day and not returning until 1 am i take her to her room were i try and get with her only succeding in making out grabbing her tits and a handjob. thats ok with me i dont mind as long as i got a load off haha. with my load bursting out all over her bf's side of the bed i was quite impressed with the distance and quantity. after that magnificent release i am now off to bed before her bf comes home as i dont want to see him.
4 am the next morning on my way to the airport and i am nearly busted. With her standing next to me in the line to get my baording pass i tell her move away as i dont liek people standing next to me cause im nto a little kid, this made her a little bit angry and im leaving not on good terms, a kiss and a hug and her telling me that i was exactly wat she expected me to be personality wise but thought i would be more tanned with that being the last thing i heard from her i am glad this trip is over and
i'm never going to hear or see her EVER AGAIN this is one story for the grandkids haha
He explains to me on tuesday while im at his house that he has been talking to this girl on msn for a while now but has sent her my pictures and i have to go down using all his information. Wednesday morning first flight out of brisbane and im on my way down to canberra to meet this girl named cherie who i've never seen talked to or met before in my life who also has a boyfiend of 3 years her mum use to own a multi million $ company until she passed away last year now she owns her fair share of it "perfect girl for a scam"
I arrive in Canberra and doing wat jamie says i give her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. In the car it was weird with her calling me jamie and not my real name. On our way to breakfast at the pancake parlour she asks me multiple questions about me"jamie" and jamie's girlfriend, changing the subject multiple times trying to avoid answering questions about jamie and stephs love life. now this is the funny part she asks me if she sounds the same as she does on the phone i reply to her with a answer of 'hmmm you sound a little bit different' and then she says to me that i sound exactly the same as on the phone.
Now i kno this girl is really dumb and stupid and im going to use this situation to my full advantage. Breakfast was ok with her paying for everything and as were walking past shops i try and scam her into buying me a shirt and a new hat but it doesnt work. at home jamie has already told her the day before that he would like a bottle of redrum and a 6 pack of gold for wen he "me" is down there. she has gone to a dentist appointment and i told her she better bring me back some lunch cause im starving and im not cooking anything myself.
When she arives back she has lunch and cooks up a decent meal for me to eat. After eating i'm pretty tired and i didnt want her to be in my sights anymore cause her fat ass was making me sick the more i look at it. after sleeping until 5 oclock in the arvo she wakes me up and says i have a present for you. I open it up and its $200 worth of cologne and shower wash and dinner is already cooked and waiting. jut before dinner she trys to kiss me with me pulling away and her nearly in tears as she thinks i really really like her.
After dinner she spills her heart out to me about her bf and how she wants to be with me "jamie" not him. desert is served and the alcohol is getting slammed. at 10 oclock trying to make full advantage of this situation once more and her bf out for the whole day and not returning until 1 am i take her to her room were i try and get with her only succeding in making out grabbing her tits and a handjob. thats ok with me i dont mind as long as i got a load off haha. with my load bursting out all over her bf's side of the bed i was quite impressed with the distance and quantity. after that magnificent release i am now off to bed before her bf comes home as i dont want to see him.
4 am the next morning on my way to the airport and i am nearly busted. With her standing next to me in the line to get my baording pass i tell her move away as i dont liek people standing next to me cause im nto a little kid, this made her a little bit angry and im leaving not on good terms, a kiss and a hug and her telling me that i was exactly wat she expected me to be personality wise but thought i would be more tanned with that being the last thing i heard from her i am glad this trip is over and
i'm never going to hear or see her EVER AGAIN this is one story for the grandkids haha
Maxims top 5 hottest girls in 2008
Personally my own list wouldnt go anything like this but all these girls are all extreme BAAAABES
Can anyone really own water?
So this should be an interesting movie. I'll wait for somthing like this to come out onto discovery channel rather than going to spend money to watch it, but it seems interesting and the trailer is definely worth the watch. Who knows wat's going to happen in the future!!
Say g'day to 2009 aussie millions poker champ
Stewart Scott 36 from N.S.W. is now crowned 2009 Aussie Millions Poker Champ and $2 million richer. Mr Scott beat 681 proffesional and amatuer poker players in the biggest aussie millions field so far. Stewart Scott went into the final table as chip leader with 4,520,00 in chips and it remained that way the whole 12 hours of the final table. Normally the chip leader on the final table doesnt't take home the win, but it wasn't that way in this case. I kno playing for only 4 hours let alone 4 days is very stressful on ur mind and body and this was a well deserved win, now he can finally relax and enjoy all that money and hopefully make it up through the poker ranks. Good on ya mate for keeping the title in australia!!
Stewart Scott with his $2 million dollars
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Beginning
So pretty much this idea came up one night out at Redcliffe skatepark by my good mate john. After telling him one of my new "Adventures" he said that i should be blogging all this stuff down. So here i am doing exactly that. This is probably not a good idea, but i hope u guys get a good laugh and it destroys ur boredom for atleast a tiny bit a day.
So wat is this all about? I'm going to be blogging about all my little adventures cause we all kno that i have some good stories to tell mainly about girls. I will also be posting stuff about poker, clothing, some bmx that i find cool and interesting shit out in this crazy world so i hope u guys enjoy!!
So wat is this all about? I'm going to be blogging about all my little adventures cause we all kno that i have some good stories to tell mainly about girls. I will also be posting stuff about poker, clothing, some bmx that i find cool and interesting shit out in this crazy world so i hope u guys enjoy!!
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